Spatial mobility, interaction and social formations in the South Andes. The case of Isluga and the Altiplano-Precordillera system

  • Bosco González Jiménez
Keywords: Isluga, Mobility and exchange, Altiplano-Precordillera system, Ethnoarchaeology, Ethnohistory


 In this paper we state that the practices of spatial mobility of the pastoralists community from Isluga (Chilean Altiplano, precordillera of Tarapaca region) could represent a transformed continuity regarding to pre-Hispanic mobility patterns and exchange. Ethnographic background information regarding grazing practices nowadays, as well as indications for these dynamics during the second half of the last century, are presented. Ethnohistorical records, supported by early and late colonial documents suggest the existence of dynamic interactions between high Andean ethnic groups and local ethnic groups in the ravines, valleys and coasts. This article highlights the need to continue ethnoarchaeological research along with ethnohistorical data; this would more faithfully sustain that the dynamics of mobility and exchange developed by Isluga pastors today certainly represents a continuity of constituting practices of the Andean social and spatial organization.


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How to Cite
González Jiménez, B. (1). Spatial mobility, interaction and social formations in the South Andes. The case of Isluga and the Altiplano-Precordillera system. Arqueología, 21(3), 17-31.