Construction of landscapes in the Western region of Córdoba mountain range during the Late Pre-Hispanic Period (<i>ca</i>. 1500-1400 BP). Diversity of practices and meanings regarding rock art

  • Andrea Recalde CONICET • área de Arqueología, CEH, UNC. San José de Calasanz 597 (CP 5107), Mendiolaza, Córdoba
Keywords: Social landscapes, Rock art, Agricultural practices


The analysis focuses on the comparison of La Playa y Ciénaga del Coro, two regions located on the southwestand southeast of the Sierra of Guasapampa (west of the Sierras Grandes). The goal is to account for the differences in the construction of socially significant landscapes by analyzing social and economic practices developed in these sectors during the late pre-Hispanic period (ca. 1500-400 BP). It specifically seeks to inquire about the role that rock art had in the construction of different landscapes, given the fact that these expressions were found in both regions but with different quali and quantitative significance. The analysis of the contexts of production and use of rock art of both regions and the relationship of it with another evidence of occupation of the environment allow us to understand how the repetition in time of certain social practices generated these two different landscapes. In this way, we identified, first, a rock art landscape, focusing on the reaffirmation and reproduction of households and on the agricultural landscape structured by farming tasks and experiences.


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How to Cite
Recalde, A. (1). Construction of landscapes in the Western region of Córdoba mountain range during the Late Pre-Hispanic Period (<i>ca</i&gt;. 1500-1400 BP). Diversity of practices and meanings regarding rock art. Arqueología, 20(2), 207-224.