The turtle didn’t get away. Anthropic use of <i>Chelonoidis chilensis</i> at a Chaco-santiagueña Region site (Santiago del Estero province)

  • Luis M. del Papa
  • Luciano J. M. De Santis
Keywords: Terrestrial turtles, Late agro-pottery context, Taphonomic indicators, Anthropic consumption, Cooking on embers


The reptile’s remains analysis of Argentinian archaeological sites are scarce, and evidence of their use has been mainly associated to Tupinambis sp. In this case, Chelonoidis chilensis (tortoises) remains at Beltran Onofre Banegas-Lami Hernandez archaeological site (Santiago del Estero province) have been analyzed. This site corresponds to a late agro-pottery context, with mainly Sunchitúyoj ceramic materials associated with a few Averías fragments. The skeletal parts representation is dominated by carapace bones which reveal a possible selection of these structures. A taphonomical analysis was performed on the sample, which showed thermal alteration on the dorsal side of carapace bones in several specimens and evidenced of cooking on embers or on direct fire. The fracture pattern of dermal plates was also analyzed. However this analysis is complicated because of the action of postdepositional processes. The evidence of tortoise use is complemented with the Tupinambis sp. at the archaeological site. In this regard, tortoises are considered an opportunistic resource and reptiles in general, an important resource in relation to prey’s seasonal use.


How to Cite
del Papa, L. M., & De Santis, L. J. M. (1). The turtle didn’t get away. Anthropic use of <i>Chelonoidis chilensis</i&gt; at a Chaco-santiagueña Region site (Santiago del Estero province). Arqueología, 21(1), 115-135.