Simmetry and spatial differences. The buildings of La Alumbrera. Antofagasta de La Sierra

  • Pedro Salminci
Keywords: Space syntax, Social organization, Segmentary lineage


We present the methodology and the results of a new phase of spatial analysis con-ducted at La Alumbrera pre-Hispanic settlement, located at 3300 masl in Antofagasta de la Sierra region occupied during a long time span between ca. 1000 - 1600 a.C. We focus on the groups of internally connected rooms called buildings. Two kinds of data were processed, on one hand syntactic data, referred to the composition and internal arrangement of buildings and rooms, and on the other hand semantic data, referred to characteristics as size, shape and constructive techniques. The results revealed the presence of different kinds of buildings which were grouped into seven categories. We postulate the presence of a hierarchically decentralized political organization based on linage segments.


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How to Cite
Salminci, P. (1). Simmetry and spatial differences. The buildings of La Alumbrera. Antofagasta de La Sierra. Arqueología, 21(1), 89-114.