Bilateral upper limb asymmetry in human remains: an approach to physical activity patterns in Holocene hunter-gatherers in Southern Patagonia
Bilateral asymmetry of the upper limbs in human skeletal remains has been a useful tool to explore changes in subsistence activities in prehistoric and modern populations. Considering research based on studies of joint diseases and bone morphology, possible differences in physical activity patterns on growth and development have been proposed in ancient hunter-gatherers from Southern Patagonia. Nevertheless, it is still unknown if activity patterns affect the bilateral asymmetry of the upper limbs. Thus, this paper aims to contribute to the discussion of differential patterns of physical activity in terrestrial, maritime, and mixed hunter-gatherers of Southern Patagonia during the Holocene, based on the analysis of bilateral asymmetry in the length of the humerus, radio, and ulna. Thirty individuals of both sexes, which presented both sides of at least one of the three long bones, were analyzed. Bilateral asymmetry percentages were calculated, and possible differential patterns were evaluated for sex, diet, region, and chronology of the individuals. The results showed directional asymmetry on the humerus, with right predominance, that decreased during the contact period. No significant differences in bilateral asymmetry between terrestrial and maritime hunter[1]gatherers were recorded. Moreover, males showed higher asymmetry than females, which showed minor bilateral asymmetry, mainly in the radius and ulna. In conclusion, terrestrial hunter-gatherers would have experienced similar dominant mechanical loads on the right side as individuals with maritime economies, and contact with European groups would have decreased bilateral asymmetry, showing modifications in physical activity. Furthermore, female individuals were possibly associated with more symmetric loading on the forearms.Downloads
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