What do we dig when we dig? Geoarchaeology in the disciplinary training of Latin American archaeologists
Since the 1970’s and 1980’s, many studies have highlighted the importance of geoarchaeology in archaeological research and interpretation. Nevertheless, training in geoarchaeology is still lacking in most Anthropology/Archaeology programs in Latin America. The syllabi have not been sufficiently modernized to meet the archaeologists’ requirements for interpreting the stratigraphy of an archaeological site or comprehending its formation processes, despite the fact that these are the foundations of numerous archaeological inferences that we subsequently draw. The sediments and soils comprising the matrix that contains the evidence, along with the stratigraphic-geomorphological framework of the sites, are an integral component of the archaeological record and thus crucial to interpreting the object of study in this discipline. Nevertheless, our limited expertise in this field often requires us to rely on specialized professionals (such as geoscientists) to examine these elements. Beyond the valuable contribution of these specialists, we must understand that geoarchaeology is archaeology, it provides essential context for interpreting archaeological sites, addressing key issues such as whether a site is primary or secondary, the significance of material associations, and the resolution and contemporaneity of assemblages. Additionally, geoarchaeology investigates possible biases and uncovers the natural or cultural origin excavated elements and features. Addressing fundamental interpretive aspects within the discipline implies the indispensability of geoarchaeological research in archaeology and tis incorporation into the undergraduate curriculum of every professional archaeologist.Downloads
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