Revisiting early ceramics from Marcavalle archaeological site (Cuzco, Peru): record and identification of ceramic pastes using a portable digital microscope in situ
Descriptions of paste groups (or paste-temper groups) of early ceramics produced during the Formative period (around 1000-600 BC) at the archaeological site of Marcavalle (Cuzco, southern Peru) were elaborated and published around the 1970s by Karen Mohr de Chavez (University of Pennsylvania). Since then, they constitute a basic and one of the few archaeological tools available today for the study, analysis, classification, and material characterization of the first regional ceramic productions. Precisely, 16 groups were established by analyzing attributes such as shapes, sizes, quantities, abundance, frequency, and colour of non-plastic inclusions. Paste-temper groups were identified as #1, #2, #3, to #16. This note has an eminently and strictly empirical orientation and its fundamental goals are reviewing, optimizing, and completing the local archaeological research on ancient pottery of the decade of 1970, using new technologies in archaeology such as the portable digital microscope in situ. Consequently, with the use of this technique, I have elaborated, proposed, and discussed the first catalogue of photomicrographs of pastes that have been described for the ancient Formative ceramics found at this site.Downloads
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