Ceremonial rocks at Los Colorados agricultural fields (Catamarca, Argentina)
Throughout the Andean geography, the communities of farmers and shepherds have venerated a multiplicity of lithic entities of commonly known in Quechua as wankas. At Los Colorados (Catamarca province), a multicomponent agricultural site notably transformed in the Inca period, an important set of rocks have been recorded between the cultivated fields and other particular spaces that can be analyzed from the perspective of rituality. In this paper, we describe each of the entities identified as part of the agricultural ritual practice, comparatively searching for similar references in other sites in the Andes where entities of this type were also found. An important diversity of shapes and dimensions of the rock entities analyzed stands out in this agricultural production center. In Los Colorados, this diversity may manifest specific identifications for each of the groups with special rocks and, therefore, the constitution of particular relationships in connection with pre-Hispanic agricultural ceremonies.Downloads
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