Lexematic change as anthropological sign, in two versions of a tradicional story

  • Patricia H. Coto de Attilio Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social (UNLP)
Keywords: Oral Narratives, Migrants, Contexts, Ideological Context


This paper analyzes a new version of the well-known story “The wicked blacksmith and the Devil”, spread around a semi-urbanized area inhabited by migrants from the Argentine coastal zone. The starting point is the concept of meta-code as a specific group interaction mode. Oral narratives may be considered as part or expressions of such meta-codes and, therefore, their analysis will be more complex, in order to understand the text within its contexts and in its ideological context. It is necessary, then, to resort to a narratological methodology which rescues oral narratives' discursive strategies, as well as to a linguistic and semiotic methodology which rescues pronouncements and observes their significance with respect to intertextual, extratextual and contextual relations.


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Author Biography

Patricia H. Coto de Attilio, Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social (UNLP)
Profesora y Licenciada en Letras. Doctoranda en Letras (FAHCE-UNLP). Profesora Adjunta del Taller de Comprensión y Producción de Textos I en la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social (UNLP) 
How to Cite
Coto de Attilio, P. H. (2009). Lexematic change as anthropological sign, in two versions of a tradicional story. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 30(2), 151-161. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v30i2.770
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