The STP seminar experience :“Academical extension and indigenous people. Commitment and distancing in the work process of critical thinking” from the participant’ spoint of view
Socio-educational territorial practices, Academical extension, Collective work, Critical anthropology
The ‘Socio-educational territorial practices’ seminars (STP) havebeenmandatorysince 2017 foreverystudent at theUniversity of Buenos Aires. Thegoalwastoarticulatestudents and graduates, institutionsbelongingtothe UBA and civil organizations in social workprojects. Also, toachievecollectivework and knowledge. Furthermore, Itallowedparticipantstodevelop as “extensionists” in order toconsolidateIt’s status amongtheinstitution.The ‘PermanentResearch, Extension and DevelopmentProgram in IndigenousCommunities’, wascreated in 1994 as a link betweentheUBA’sFaculty of Philosophy and Literature’ and thecommunity, setting up a relationwithone of themostdispossessed and marginal social sectors: theindigenous.Since 2017, the ‘Program’ developedtwo STP seminars in which training, social intervention and ‘academicalextension’ havebeen a central guidelinetoparticipant’sactivities. Thisarticleactuallyreflectseachone of thosepoints of view: theteacher´s, thestudent’s and theindigenousorganizations.
How to Cite
González, C., Herrera, V., Marchetti, R., Picciotto, C., Sakihara, F., & Verzoub, M. (2020). The STP seminar experience :“Academical extension and indigenous people. Commitment and distancing in the work process of critical thinking” from the participant’ spoint of view. Redes De Extensión, 1(7), 27-37. Retrieved from