Taste, family and collective memories: a contributions to rethink commensality of girls and boys in community kitchens
Plan Salas Cuna, commensality, taste memories, community
In this paper we present a series of reflections emerging from our work experience during the year 2019, in two salas cuna located in different sectors (southeast and northwest area) of the city of Córdoba, Argentina. These spaces are dedicated to the care of children between 45 days and three years old, where they play, learn and eat. In this sense, food was a concern of the caregivers, so the proposal consisted in approaching together with the actors who participate in the daily life of these spaces (team of teachers, assistants and cook, children and family groups) the food from a sociocultural perspective, in this sense the family taste memories were the axis of the intervention from creative expressive techniques. Based on this experience, we jointly wrote collective recipes with the families as a proposal for a participatory approach between the institutions and the community.
How to Cite
Angeli, M. J., Huergo, J., Ibáñez, I. D., & Simoni, M. L. (2022). Taste, family and collective memories: a contributions to rethink commensality of girls and boys in community kitchens. Redes De Extensión, 2(9), 4-16. https://doi.org/10.34096/redes.n9.12157