Narratives in the initial teacher training in the pandemic context: an experience in a subject of institutional planning

  • Liliana Mónica Rodríguez Nodo La Matanza de la “Red de Formación Docente y Narrativas Pedagógicas”.
Keywords: teacher training, student stories, pandemic


In this article, a teacher in charge of an Institutional Definition Space (EDI) in an Initial Level Teaching Staff of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires proposes to rethink, in a pedagogical experience report, the plots of teacher training in the pandemic context : the way in which the forms of teaching and learning were rethought in a different, virtual, distance classroom, in a time that was also different, of isolation and redefined times and spaces. In the article, the author presents the theoretical and methodological framework that supports the Narrative Documentation device with the intention of pedagogically investigating the professional field and problematizing the field of teaching practices, since it constitutes an interesting instance, due to the production process of experience reports made by teachers in training, who inquire about their own pedagogical practices in processes of writing, reading, reflection, comments, editing and publication that makes it possible for that lived experience to become a narrative document.

Author Biography

Liliana Mónica Rodríguez, Nodo La Matanza de la “Red de Formación Docente y Narrativas Pedagógicas”.
Es Profesora de Educación Inicial, Licenciada en Gestión Educativa de la UNLAM, tiene un posgrado en Educación e Infancias, de FLACSO. Se desempeñó como docente, directora y supervisora de Educación Inicial en la Región 3, distrito La Matanza, de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Fue capacitadora docente del Programa “Nuestra Escuela” del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación y actualmente se desempeña como Profesora del EDDI 2 de Prácticas del Profesorado de Educación Inicial en la ENS Nº 10 “Juan Bautista Alberdi”, de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Contacto:
How to Cite
Rodríguez, L. M. (2021). Narratives in the initial teacher training in the pandemic context: an experience in a subject of institutional planning. Redes De Extensión, 2(8), 20-24.
DOSSIER: Narrative documentation, teacher training and pedagogical work...