Formação de sujeitos. Análise a partir da extensão universitária no Brasil

  • Ivanise Monfredini


This paper presents reflections on the possibilities and limits of formation of subjects at universities in Brazil, focusing on the University Extension to society. The analyzes are based on the concepts of self-determined ownership and mobilization of knowledge. What are the possibilities of creation of subjects Training environment? This question guides the reflections and considers that universities in Brazil gather the greatest potential for the formation of subjects, considering the relative autonomy they have in defining their action project, as well as the joint that, in theory, should exist between Teaching, Research and Extension. In addition to studies on the subject already made by the author, the analyzes presented here are based on the literature about the University Extension in Brazil and on the Federal Key Programme for Support University Extension.The paper begins with the presentation of the landscape of the higher education in Brazil in order to constrain the University Extension on it. Then we present the main concepts that have guided the analyzes of the author on training subjects. It concludes that there is a possibility of Subject Formation, which, however, takes place in a contradictory way.


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How to Cite
Monfredini, I. (1). Formação de sujeitos. Análise a partir da extensão universitária no Brasil. Revista Del IICE, (36), 31-43.
Dossier: Universidad y Sociedad | Parte II