Interuniversity Human Rights Network (RIDDHH). Notes about its history, politics and practices
This article presents a selection of notes about the process of establishing the Interuniversity Human Rights Network (RIDDHH) of the National Interuniversity Council (CIN). In turn, the policies and practices promoted in public universities between 2018 and 2024 are explained. What was produced is shared in different lines of action that were configured over the years, in a multi-referenced task between the readings of the historicalprocesses, the collective constructions within the RIDDHH and the conditions of institutional and contextual possibilities. In no way are these notes exhaustive in terms of accounting for the memory of the Network, but rather point out only some aspects.Fundamentally, those fields in which systematicity has been achieved in the proposals and activities are highlighted: the field of Human Rights training, the work in and with the territories and in the production of knowledge and processes of debate and reflection through of seminars, meetings and discussion panels.Downloads
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