En relación con los sujetos en investigación biográfica en educación
This contribution intends to interrogate the researcher's relationship with the actors-subjects of the research, in relation to the specificities of biographical research in education and the effects of the devices that it puts into operation. For this, it will be supported by research carried out with various groups of high school students, based on collective and individual biographical interviews and written accounts of their school journeys. This research had two purposes: to understand the modes of subjectivation of these school and orientation routes, and to transform a situation in which the students had difficulties in appropriating that orientation route and cooperating. The device put into practice and its epistemological and methodological framework will be presented after analyzing its effects to understand the crossroads of the researcher's relationship with the actors-subjects in biographical research. It will be shown that the specificities of this field of research invite, on the one hand, to inscribe the research in a symmetrical meeting space, a space of authorization, conducive to the development of the actors' power to act and, on the other, to develop an empathetic posture that guarantees the respect of the actors and their autonomy process. Keywords: biographical research in education; position; subject; power to act.Downloads
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Janner Raimondi, M. (2019). Empathie. En Delory-Momberger, C. (coord.). Vocabulaire des histoires de vie et de la recherche biographique, pp. 72-75. Toulouse, Érès.
Larrosa, J. (1998). Apprendre et être. París, ESF.
M’Biatong, J. (2019). La recherche biographique en éducation pour l’éthique. En Dizerbo, A. y M’Biatong, J. (coords.). Pour une éthique de l’accompagnement biographique, pp. 129-152. París, Téraèdre.
Rhéaume, J. (2019). Pouvoir d’agir. Empowerment. En Delory-Momberger, C. (coord.). Vocabulaire des histoires de vie et de la recherche biographique, pp. 127-129. Toulouse, Érès.
Ricœur, P. (1990). Soi-même comme un autre. París, Seuil.
Tap, P. (1980). Identité individuelle et personnalisation. Toulouse, Privat.
How to Cite
Dizerbo, A. (2022). En relación con los sujetos en investigación biográfica en educación. Revista Del IICE, (52). https://doi.org/10.34096/iice.n52.12053
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