Paulo Freire’s Pedagogical Political Legacy in the Systematization of Emancipatory Experiences
nesting, education, political, pedagogical, subjects
This article presents a return to Freirean thought in light of the reconstruction of experiences based on individual accounts. Paulo Freire’s influence in the field of educational research plays a significant role in the production of knowledge and in the knowledge that emerges from individual processes of narration. The analytical view of the interweaving of politics and pedagogy serves as an understanding rationale to study the educational processes that take place beyond and within schools. According to Paulo Freire, one cannot refer to education without considering politics, nor to politics without considering education. In this sense, the systematization of experiences operates within these spheres and attaches a unique meaning to individual narratives.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ruiz Muñoz, M. M. (2020). Paulo Freire’s Pedagogical Political Legacy in the Systematization of Emancipatory Experiences. Revista Del IICE, (48).
Dossier. A propósito del Centenario de Paulo Freire