Intellectuals, society and politics in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: the intellectual history in the mirror of Halperin Donghi

  • Fabio Wasserman
Keywords: Halperin Donghi, Historiography, Intellectual History, Argentine History


The article has two objectives: a) to examine the work of Tulio Halperin Donghi referred to the relations between intellectuals, society and politics during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; b) to investigate how his production affected the research agenda of intellectual history. For this, and after a brief approach to his work and its place in Argentine historiography, we analyze his studies about intellectual history of the 19th century and its main contributions in that field.


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How to Cite
Wasserman, F. (2018). Intellectuals, society and politics in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: the intellectual history in the mirror of Halperin Donghi. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani. Retrieved from