De los recursos de fuerza, o de las transformaciones de la Iglesia y del Estado argentinos en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX

  • Miranda Lida Becaria postdoctoral Universidad Torcuato Di Tella- CONICET, Argentina.
Keywords: Church-State relations, federalism, ecclesiastical justice, ecclesiastical jurisdictions


On the study of the relations between Church and State on the second half of the nineteenth century usually prevails the idea that the liberal State was absolutely hostile to the Church. But in this article we will show that at this time the State even guaranteed the freedom of the Church. In order to explain this, we have chosen the study of the ecclesiastical justice and the relations between ecclesiastical and civil tribunals. Civil tribunals, far for attempting to ecclesiastical ones, most of the time respected their decisions. We will find the explanation of this dilemma on the peculiarities of the relations between Church and State in Argentina.


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How to Cite
Lida, M. (2004). De los recursos de fuerza, o de las transformaciones de la Iglesia y del Estado argentinos en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (26), 47-75. Retrieved from