Comments on Sergio Serulnikov’s book, El poder del disenso. Cultura política urbana y crisis del gobierno español. Chuquisaca, 1777-1809

Keywords: Political action, colonial reformism, dissent, Hispanic revolutions


From Sergio Serulnikov's book, El poder del disenso. Cultura política urbana y crisis del gobierno español. Chuquisaca, 1777-1809 (Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2022), the text reflects on its main contributions to the historical field for the late colonial period and the beginning of the 19th century. The comments focus on three fundamental aspects. The first one, of theoretical character, concerns the always renewed discussion about the nature and driving force of historical change; the second is methodological and revolves around the link drawn between the record of action and that of speeches; the third, of a historiographical order, refers to the role of the colonial condition and the crisis of 1808 in the Spanish American revolutionary processes.


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How to Cite
Ternavasio, M. (2024). Comments on Sergio Serulnikov’s book, El poder del disenso. Cultura política urbana y crisis del gobierno español. Chuquisaca, 1777-1809. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (61), 146-154.
Debate II: El poder del disenso. Cultura política y crisis del gobierno colonial