About the power of dissent: reflections on the historiographic contributions of Sergio Serulnikov’s new book

Keywords: historiography of independence, political culture, exceptional-normal


This essay offers a description of the content and a critical reflection of Serulnikov’s new work, organized five sections. First, the structure of this exhaustive book of political history is described and the central question that animates it is presented about “how the new is born”, or in other words, how historical change occurs. Secondly, the articulation of this book with the precedent on “ethnic political cultures” is made explicit. In the third instance, some lines of debate on the scope and limitations of the concepts of “culture” and “political culture” are recovered. The fourth part presents the historiographical position of the author regarding the old and new discussions about the causes and periodization of independence. Finally, it focuses on the scales and the biographical strategy with which the book works, to revisit the methodological question of the exceptional-normal.


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How to Cite
Ortemberg, P. (2024). About the power of dissent: reflections on the historiographic contributions of Sergio Serulnikov’s new book. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (61), 135-145. https://doi.org/10.34096/bol.rav.n61.14563
Debate II: El poder del disenso. Cultura política y crisis del gobierno colonial