About Historia y Justicia. Cultura, política y sociedad en el Rio de la Plata (Siglos XVI-XIX). Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2019

Keywords: History and justice, Colonial History, XIXth century


In the following pages I present an analytical synthesis of the book Historia y Justicia, authored by PhD. Darío Barriera and published by Editorial Prometeo in 2019. As this contribution is included in the Debates section of the Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani”, after the synthesis, I propose two sets of questions to the author that revolve around the historical problem of social access to justice, with the aim of opening a dialogue on aspects directly linked to the content of the book. Finally, I offer a general evaluation of Historia y Justicia considering the readers of the Boletín interested in the binomial history and justice.



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How to Cite
Brangier, V. (2022). About Historia y Justicia. Cultura, política y sociedad en el Rio de la Plata (Siglos XVI-XIX). Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2019. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (57), 127-137. https://doi.org/10.34096/bol.rav.n57.11496
Notes and Debates