The exegesis of Melchizedek from the Fathers of the Church to Bede the Venerable

  • Alfonso M. Hernández Rodríguez
Keywords: Bede The Venerable, medieval exegesis, Melkizedec


This paper deals with Bede’s reception of the patristic interpretation of Melchizedek and his innovation on the subject. Bede used and interpreted the figure of Melchizedek in different ways, to support the existence of a genuine but non-Levitical priesthood pleasant to God. Also to note the existence of peoples loved by God (not to use the expression of chosen peoples) others than Israel. In that sense, Beda continued a traditional exegetical way that justified the existence of a Christian church and the legitimacy of a non-Jewish but Christian priesthood, which surpassed the Mosaic Law. The royal character of Melchizedek is interpreted as an eschatological attribution of Christ or as the best to indicate the existence of legitimate Christian kings, but at the same time restricting their authority. 


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How to Cite
Hernández Rodríguez, A. M. (1). The exegesis of Melchizedek from the Fathers of the Church to Bede the Venerable. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 51, 61-70.