The militia of the Aetolian Confederation and its controversy (5th-2nd centuries BC).
New perspectives for a case study in the context of Greek federalism
This research examines the role played by the militia in the rise of the Aetolian Confederation, one of the most important actors in Hellenistic Greece, in parallel to the adoption of federal institutions. The evolution of the militia between the 5th and 2nd centuries BC is analysed, and a proposal for the organisation of its contingents is made on the basis of this data. The study detects a manipulation of the literary association between the Aetolian peoples and arms by the enemies of the Confederation. Similarly, despite their demographic limitations, it confirms the dual dissuasive and defensive vocation of the Confederate armies, as guarantors of political activity and territorial integrity in a context dominated by powers with far superior military capacity. With regard to the structure of the Aetolian forces, there are elements that suggest a certain level of specialisation. Nevertheless, recurrent evolutionary patterns are identified in the Greek world of these centuries, both in terms of the chain of command and military tactics. Finally, it provides a preliminary approach to the controversy over the possession of a fully constituted war fleet, arguing for its operability in parallel to the use of third party maritime assets.Downloads
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