Between feathers and colors. Approaches to a Cuzco look at the salty puna

  • José Luis Martínez C. Archivo Nacional de Chile (ANC)
Keywords: Tawantinsuyu, frontier, salty puna, ethnic look


How were the others named and known by the Inkas? This is the main question whose answer José Luis Martínez looks for. By focusing on the inhabitants of the frontier of the Tawantinsuyu (those of the "puna salada"), Martínez inquires about how they were perceived and representes by the Inkas. His clue is an approach to an "ethnic insight" and see how it works to build up an identity of the others. The "Probanza of the inkas nietos de Topa Inka Yupanki"(1569) and the chronicle written by Juan de Betanzos are the sources through which he gives an account of the Inka interpretations of those "different" inhabitants of the puna salada. 


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How to Cite
Martínez C. , J. L. (1996). Between feathers and colors. Approaches to a Cuzco look at the salty puna. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 4, 33-56. Retrieved from