A complex situation: Houses inside the Repartimiento of Macha, Hanansaya Ayllus, northern Potosí (1613-1619)

  • María Carolina Jurado Becaria del CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
Keywords: houses, resources, northern Potosí


The role of houses in colonial Aymara polities have been a central question when studying leadership and succession systems and the segmentation of authority according to the dual pattern of exercising power. The main ideas regarding houses arose from the reading of probanzas de méritos y servicios produced by leaders of Macha, nothern Potosi in the seventeenth century since litigants asserted that houses existed and they belonged to them. We have built our own interpretation on these houses after exploring two unpublished Macha surveys (padrones de revisita) of 1613 and 1619. Taking into account the material context in which the houses were developed, we focused on their demographic composition and differential access to both material and human resources looking forward to problematize our previous understanding.


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How to Cite
Jurado, M. C. (2010). A complex situation: Houses inside the Repartimiento of Macha, Hanansaya Ayllus, northern Potosí (1613-1619). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 18(1), 75-103. https://doi.org/10.34096/mace.v18i1.12295
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