Among deserts, Indians and frontiers: a Brazilian view over the Argentine Indigenous issue in diplomatic letters (1870-1885)

  • Ana Carolina Gutierrez Pompeu Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Keywords: Indigenous, diplomatic sources, frontiers, ethnical groups


State construction in Latin America was permeated by European ideas about “civilization”, leading young governments to seek solutions for their mestizo “problem” resulting from European colonization, African immigration, and native groups. During the last decades of the 19th century, to civilize and fight against the “savages” were ideals shared by the governments; as a consequence the actions taken over ethnic groups were observed and copied in different contexts. The current paper analyzes diplomatic letters -between 1871 y 1883- written by Brazilian officials living in Buenos Aires; they were supposed to observe and inform their superiors about the options and policies taken by the Argentinean Government regarding the Indigenous issue. Apart from sending the above-mentioned information they added their own points of view over an issue both countries shared. 


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How to Cite
Gutierrez Pompeu, A. C. (2017). Among deserts, Indians and frontiers: a Brazilian view over the Argentine Indigenous issue in diplomatic letters (1870-1885). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 25(1), 115-126.
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