The Hualfin Valley as landscape of conflicts: an approach from the "Great Diaguita revolt"

  • Federico Wynveldt CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNyM), Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)
  • Natalia Ferrari FCNyM, UNLP
  • Luciano López Instituto de Recursos Minerales, UNLP, CONICET
Keywords: Hualfín Valley, Great Diaguita Revolt, relational landscape, Geographic Information Systems


In this paper we articulate late archaeological information over the Hualfín Valley with documentary records about the “Great Diaguita Revolt” (1630- 1643 AC) from a relational notion of landscape. Based on radiocarbon dating, analysis of archaeological sites distribution, placement and contextual information, historical sources and the use of Geographic Information Systems, we inquire about possible spatial, social and temporal links in the landscape during Hispanic-Indigenous times. The hypothetical pos-inka occupation, the intervisibility of sites, the control over valley accesses, the dynamics of alliances and enmities among historical groups, and the mobility and materiality at satake during times of hostility, help us to think in the late landscape of Hualfín Valley as a space of conflict and resistance since pre-Hispanic times until mid-seventeenth century. 


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How to Cite
Wynveldt, F., Ferrari, N., & López, L. (2017). The Hualfin Valley as landscape of conflicts: an approach from the "Great Diaguita revolt". Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 25(1), 13-30.
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