The Guenoa Minuanos mission indians

  • Diego Bracco
Keywords: Guenoa Minuanos, missions, Jesuits


The goal of this article is to shed light into the process through which a considerable part of the indigenous nations (tribes), the Jesuits ended identifying as “Guenoa”, and that the rest of the colonial society called “Minuanos” lived in the mission towns during a period lasting more than a century. In addition, this article draws attention to the term “Guarani mission Indians”, traditionally a synonymous of “Mission Indians”. at least in the past and referring to the border region where the Oriental Republic of Uruguay was created. The use of the above-mentioned terminology is inadequate, as Curbelo y Barreto 2010 had indicated, because it excludes other indigenous nations, that is tribes, also integrated in these towns. 


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How to Cite
Bracco, D. (2016). The Guenoa Minuanos mission indians. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 24(1), 33-54.