The treaties written with the indigenous societies on the edges of the Salado River during the 18th century, an analysis from the Ius Gentis

  • Eugenia A. Néspolo Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLU) / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
Keywords: Buenos Aires borderland, written treaties, indigenous societies, natural law


The objective of this paper is to examine the political doctrines that offered a frame of reference for the "written treaties" signed with indigenous societies in the Buenos Aires border during the 18th Century.  These treaties lead us to question ourselves whether the Spaniards conceived those indigenous towns as "native nations" or sovereing nation-states in the sense of the Ius Gentis. Certain basic parameters will be established based on the Natural Law, which serve as political-ideological support and act as a frame for those treaties. Some methodological tools to analyze the encounter of natives and Hispanic-Creole population in the broader space of Buenos Aires countryside will be given.  


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How to Cite
Néspolo, E. A. (2005). The treaties written with the indigenous societies on the edges of the Salado River during the 18th century, an analysis from the Ius Gentis. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 12, 237-276. Retrieved from
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