The Jesuits at Lake Nahuel Huapi: approaches to a brief mission in Patagonia (1669-1717)

  • María Andrea Nicoletti CONICET/ Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Keywords: Jesuits, missons, Patagonia, Nahuel Huapi, Chile


The brief existance of the mission "Nuestra Señora del Nahuel Huapi" (1669-1717) was a continuation of the Jesuit project based on Chiloé Island. Devastated twice, their missonaries martyred, the mission was a sign of indigenous resistance, beyond the Andes, to the project of conversion and "civilization" originated in the Kingdom of Chile. The "poyas" resistence to the mission not only responded to the political, social and economic scenario of the Araucanía, or to the indigenous jealousy to save their territories. The reaction was also linked to anthropological, cultural and theological aspects that triggered it. The construction of a stereotyped image of the Patagonic Indian revealed discrepancies about the limits of "conversion" and the access to baptism for those who feared the missionary incursions on their territories. 


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How to Cite
Nicoletti , M. A. (2005). The Jesuits at Lake Nahuel Huapi: approaches to a brief mission in Patagonia (1669-1717). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 12, 97-130. Retrieved from
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