Analysis of the processes of formation of sociocultural identities at the end of the colonial period

  • Guillermo Wilde Sección Etnohsitoria, ICA - FFYL, UBA
Keywords: theoretical reflexion, Jesuit expulsion, ethnogenesis processes, anthropological approach


This paper is a reflection of the subject of my research: the ethnogenesis process in the Guaraní-Misionero region after the Jesuit's expulsion. Startin with the firs questions, I reconstruct that "path", considering its obstacles end evaluating some of the conclusions I was able to reach. My purpose is to establish the anthropological specificity of the approach from its premisese to its possible results in theoretical and methodological terms.


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How to Cite
Wilde , G. (2000). Analysis of the processes of formation of sociocultural identities at the end of the colonial period. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 9, 235-252. Retrieved from