Regarding the subject-structure relationship. The jurisdiction of the doctrine of Indians among the Aymara communities of southern Bolivia at the end of the colonial period

  • Mónica Adrián Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu) - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (FFyL), Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
Keywords: doctrine priests, Chayanta, Aymara communities, 18th century


The article analyzes the tactics developed by the doctrine priests of Aymara comunities of the corregimiento of Chayanta -in the southern Andes, during the second half of the XVIII century- aiming to avoid the Borbonic reforms adverse to them. The theme is focused on the interrrelation between subject and structure. The Indian doctrines and the ecclesiastical offices are presentes as the proper settings for the seccess of the above- mentioned tactics. 


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How to Cite
Adrián , M. (2000). Regarding the subject-structure relationship. The jurisdiction of the doctrine of Indians among the Aymara communities of southern Bolivia at the end of the colonial period. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 9, 115-130. Retrieved from