The power of marriage. Marriage strategies followed by the Jujuy elite of the 17th century

  • Juan Pablo Ferreiro Fac. de Humanidades y Cs. Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy
Keywords: kinship, social networks, Jujuy, 16th and 17th centuries


The connection between family relationship and their organization gives a deep undestanding of how the elite worked in San Salvador de Velasco city, located in the Jujuy Valley during the XVI and XVII centuries. These form a network that show the social structures and cultural patterns leading to the understanding of the logic of primary human relationships.   is possible, moreover, to see these same configurations in movement through the practice of strategies which aimed to protect, increase or to keep the family patromony united. This in turn, involved material and symbolic capitals. Finally those became the basis of this society whose character can be defines as hierechical-patrimonial. 


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How to Cite
Ferreiro , J. P. (1997). The power of marriage. Marriage strategies followed by the Jujuy elite of the 17th century. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 5, 33-51.