Indigenous routes and how to obtain economic resources in Patagonia

  • Lidia R. Nacuzzi CONICET / Sección Etnohistoria, ICA. FFyL, UBA
  • Cecilia B. Pérez de Micou CONICET/ Sección Prehistoria, ICA. FFyL, UBA
Keywords: indigenous routes, economic resources, Patagonia, 19th century


The present work addresses Indigenous routes as axes of economic resources exploitation of different kind. At this time, we introduce a bibliographical revision on the subject. Historical and Ethnographic sources were also taken into account. In a second stage, the present approach will be completed with fieldwork. In order to analyze the problem, two examples are submitted: the route followed by a traveler at the end of last Century and a route recorded by an Indigenous informer. 


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How to Cite
Nacuzzi , L. R., & Pérez de Micou, C. B. (1994). Indigenous routes and how to obtain economic resources in Patagonia. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 3, 91-103. Retrieved from