Impeachment proceeding in colonial times: a political ritual. Tucumán 18th Century

  • Silvina Smietniansky Becaria CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Keywords: impeachment proceedings, political ritual, colonial Tucumán, XVIII century


This article analyzes an impeachment proceeding that took place in 1775-1776 in colonial Tucumán, in terms of a political ritual. We understand that by performing the ideal way of government institution´s operation and officials’ behaviour, the impeachment proceeding acted as a political ritual, reinforcing monarchical power in the colonies, transmitting a set of social values and congregating the local community. From this ritual perspective, we approach the problem of the tension between the norms and aims of the impeachment procedure, and the consequences and implications of its practice.


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How to Cite
Smietniansky , S. (2007). Impeachment proceeding in colonial times: a political ritual. Tucumán 18th Century. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 15((1 y 2), 71-101. Retrieved from