Tax and tribute in early colony: Songo, Suri and Oyuni encomienda in the yungas of La Paz (1545-1573)

  • María Fernanda Percovich CONICET, Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani", UBA
Keywords: encomienda, coca, taxation, tribute


This paper deals with three sixteenth century’s tax surveys from the encomienda of Songo, Suri and Oyuni. These three repartimientos were located in the eastern valleys of La Paz, and their main wealth was their coca production. Throughout this study we explore the peculiarities of each tax survey, the characteristics of tribute, and their impact on the native population.


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How to Cite
Percovich , M. F. (2010). Tax and tribute in early colony: Songo, Suri and Oyuni encomienda in the yungas of La Paz (1545-1573). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 18(2), 149-183. Retrieved from
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