“Soy en esta provincia muy odiado de los vecinos encomenderos”. Alonso de Ribera, Governor of Tucuman, and his political project (1605-1611)

  • Leticia Daniela Carmignani Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)
Keywords: Tucumán jurisdiction, Alonso de Ribera, tenientes de naturales (liutenents of Indians)


This article analyzes the figure, political project and government measures carried out by Alonso de Ribera during his tenure as governor of Tucumán between 1606 and 1611; taking into account his troubled relationship with local encomenderos and the Bishop. Alonso de Ribera sought to organize his government, defending the Crown interests and protecting the Indians while attacking local power groups. Whilein office he appointed tenientes de naturales, like corregidores de indios, who visited the territory applying the ordinances and making reparations to the indigenous population. He also planned population surveys (padrones) and a tax review. As a response, strong opposition  from the vecinos encomenderos, gathered in cabildos, started since they thought their individual and corporate interests were threatened. 


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How to Cite
Carmignani , L. D. (2022). “Soy en esta provincia muy odiado de los vecinos encomenderos”. Alonso de Ribera, Governor of Tucuman, and his political project (1605-1611). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 23(1), 11-38. https://doi.org/10.34096/mace.v23i1.11795
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