Indian women in the interethnic policy of colonial Buenos Aires. Documents and a methodological approach

  • María Florencia Giorsemino Universidad Nacional de Luján
  • Yésica N. García Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu), Programa de Estudios Históricos y Antropológicos Americanos
  • Eugenia A. Néspolo Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu), Programa de Estudios Históricos y Antropológicos Americanos
Keywords: indigenous women, documents, colonial Buenos Aires


The study of native populations and the their relationships with the Europeans invites to rethink questions and analytical approaches. In this sense, the indigenous woman takes on a transcendental role as a subject of study in Latin America’s different spaces and historical periods. During the late colonial period, in the Rio de la Plata’s region, specifically in the city of Buenos Aires and its frontier, the indigenous woman interacted with different social subjects in rural and urban areas, faced situations of domination and developed theirown survival strategies in the mentioned contexts. However, the approach to these circumstances presents its own methodological and analytical difficulties. Thus, we aim to analyze the indigenous women and the record of them in different types of colonial documents to identify the situations of domination and alterity they were subjected to. To that end, the fundamental tool will be the articulation of different documents belonging to files directly or indirectly connected.


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How to Cite
Giorsemino, M. F., García , Y. N., & Néspolo , E. A. (2022). Indian women in the interethnic policy of colonial Buenos Aires. Documents and a methodological approach. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 30(2), 48-62.
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