Authorities's control of proper names: The subject headlines in the Repositorio Institucional Nínive
The large number of proper names used in the indexing process as terms to represent the documents, added to the cases of synonymy, homonymy and variants of the name form in the Repositorio Institucional de Nínive of the Universidad de Moa Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez, makes it necessary to control these access points to ensure the coherence of the catalog; and to facilitate access to the documentary collection. In this research, a catalog that provides the authorized access points regarding geographical descriptors is elaborated, applied to computer science and the names of industrial plants. For this, the traditional procedures described in the scientific literature for the creation and management of authorities were used: the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules. 2nd edition, 2002 revision and 2003 update [AACR2], Guidelines for Registries of Authority and References [GARR], 2nd edition and Guidelines for Registries of Subject Authorities and their References [GSARE]; as well as lexical reference works. 25 guidelines were established and 389 proper names were standardized. The investigation made it possible to develop a catalog of authorities that favors the retrieval of information in the Repositorio Institucional de Nínive.Downloads
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