The sale catalogues of the Argentine booksellers: Emergence and specialization of an ephemeral advertising medium, 1850-1920
Book sale catalogues are the main source in the history of the book trade. Its advertising nature allows us to approach the rhythms of the book market, and guides on the strategies used by booksellers to reach their customers. The ephemeral nature of these materials has prevented, however, to know their impact on commercial life or even determine the frequency of their use by booksellers. Based on a database that registers more than 500 catalogues published for the Argentine cultural space between 1850 and 1920, this article analyzes the rise of these materials, reveals their origins and producers, and highlights some of their transformations in along time. The study thus emphasizes the need to recognize bookshop’s sales catalogues as a leading material in the consolidation of a printed culture in Argentina.Downloads
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