The Redefinition of the Dimensions Space-Time. Reflection on Information and Communication Technologies

  • Oscar Nicolás Alamo Universidad Nacional de Villa María, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales. Pje. Almafuerte 335 - X5001AOA - Córdoba
Keywords: Knowledge, Technology, Communication, Space-Time


The transformation of the social daily life  as a consequence of the intercultural proximity that  Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) enable in the whole planet,  reflects in new forms of social organization. In consequence, complex paradigms emerge under the protection of the remaining of the space-time dimensions and those convergent perspectives that cover a notion of social development sustained in the conception of neutral science and transparent technology. To this respect, it is possible to notice that some immanent concepts of these new modalities of interaction and organization have to put necessarily in tension. In many cases, they are considered neutral devices, when actually correspond with pre-established logics. This approach tries to mean some questions in relation with the configuration of the daily life of those societies that arise from the dynamic evolution that sets out the insertion of the digital technology as a constitutive support of a new techno-communicational structure in terms of social organization.


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How to Cite
Alamo, O. N. (2009). The Redefinition of the Dimensions Space-Time. Reflection on Information and Communication Technologies. Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (21), 85-94.