Español Professional legacy as institutional heritage: the librarianship work of Hanny Stoecker de Simons in the Biblioteca Pública of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Hanny Stoecker de Simons was deputy director of the Biblioteca Púbica of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata for three decades (1919-1949) in which this institution was re-founded in all its aspects, services and meanings. From the architecture to the organization of the shelves, her track fades behind in the pomp of official declarations. Her figure is considered here as an object of study, understanding it as an historical demand and necessity. Her status as a female librarian is analyzed from a gender perspective, with a native methodology of the discipline, while her professional development is followed parameters of related biographical studies. It is expected to be able to visualize the impact of Simons in the development of the UNLP Public Library, analyzing her contributions to the organization of the library collection and the regulation of home loans. Her intellectual work is also explored, with the aim of weighing her contribution to the development of the local library science field.Downloads
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