Disinformation and Misinformation, Post-truth and fake news: conceptual precisions, differences, similarities and juxtapositions
Through the documentary review, based on the qualitative and interpretative approach, the present work intends to recount the main terms currently used in information management: disinformation, misinformation, post-truth and fake news. Terms that demonstrate the relevance that the information obtained through social networks has acquired and that, consequently, generate an informative disorder. This is possible due to the exponential growth of information in an environment subject to the development of information and communication technologies (ICT), where the veracity of it is constantly questioned and as a result its value is lost and it makes the choice of truthful and correct information increasingly difficult. The results allow conceptual clarifications, identify existing relationships of similarity, differences and juxtaposition in each of the terms that have emerged in this context with some examples.Downloads
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