A Pending Agenda: Cultural and Economic Crimes During the Military Dictatorship in Argentina. The Case "Biblioteca Vigil" Rosario, Argentina (1977-2011)

  • Natalia García Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Conicet – UNR. Entre Ríos 758. (2000) Rosario
Keywords: Civil-military dictatorship in Argentina, Cultural genocide, Repairing history, Cultural and economic crimes.


The intervention on the “Biblioteca Vigil” evidences other effects of last Argentina’s dictatorship (1976-1983): cultural genocide. Specifically, on February 25, 1977, a group formed by members of the armed forces, security services and civilian professionals, took their installations under the figure of “normalizing intervention”. A subsequent disposition dated April 1977, began the settlement of its outstanding equity. Indeed, his case falls under the common dictatorial actions on the fields of culture: persecution, censorship, illegal detention, torture and disappearance. However, this exhibits unique features: firstly, settlement assets ensued uninterruptedly over thirty years being closed late 2008. Also, is still in a process of intervention normalizing. In this paper we describe the various attempts and recovery stages of the institution, the strategies implemented and obstacles political, cultural and legal. The object of this study is to visualize a pending agenda: cultural crimes and economic crimes that do not prescribe in the context of genocide.


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How to Cite
García, N. (2014). A Pending Agenda: Cultural and Economic Crimes During the Military Dictatorship in Argentina. The Case "Biblioteca Vigil" Rosario, Argentina (1977-2011). Información, Cultura Y Sociedad, (26), 41-64. https://doi.org/10.34096/ics.i26.714