The influence in Mexico of the international organizations in the matter of public information
In the middle of the twentieth century, various democratic countries signed agreements and treaties; some were promoted as a model to be followed by the nations, mainly by underdeveloped countries, those nations reunited by the UN (United Nations Organization) began a joint work to promote democracy, social, cultural and economic development, in which information began to occupy an important place. The text explains in a general way the historical development of the international guidelines on information and how they influenced Mexico. In the first section background and general context of actions that favoured the treatment of information Public is shown; the second one points to the Mexican case and the main information policies; the third one focuses on how from the mid-20th century the professionalisation in the documentary organization began due to administrative needs and democratic strengthening through transparency and access to information where public information required the implementation of Information Policies. With this phenomenon it is possible to notice the origins of the historical modification of the paradigms in the information sciences, driven by the emergence of new phenomena related to the information and its cycle.Downloads
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