The use of archives from the users’ perspective: The case of the National Archives of Chile
This article presents the findings of a study conducted in 2016 at the National Historical Archives of Chile, aimed at exploring the experience of users in accessing records preserved by the institution. The study sought to characterise and understand the experiences of in situ onsite consultations of documents and to identify their needs and the most significant elements for their satisfaction, using focus groups and surveys as research techniques. The paper presents findings in the areas of user experience, needs, and satisfaction, and identifies the most relevant aspects in the overall experience of participating users: infrastructure and equipment; service conditions and procedures; finding aids systems, and role of archival reference personnel. The article also reflects the use of mixed research techniques to better represent and understand the diversity of archives users and their experiences. Finally, it presents recommendations for the study of users of the National Historical Archives of Chile and future research suggestions that may contribute to the knowledge of users of archives in general.Downloads
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