The training of readers for the ethical use of information
In today's society, the abundance of information and the times in which school tasks and academic or work productivity demands must be met, generate problems to assimilate contents or use them without an adequate assessment of what is obtained by sources of dubious quality; besides, there are quite a few students who have difficulty understanding and extracting information that allows them to generate their own products, apart from ignorance of the citation rules, which is a factor that leads to neglecting the inclusion of the references of the contents from which that information is extracted; Or they opt for plagiarism, even though they are aware that it is an ethical fault to use other people's work and make them pass as their own, despite having the data of the author and the publisher or the Web site from which the texts, images, videos, among other materials, were obtained. All of this, in addition to harming the authors, limits the use of the resources offered by the library. Therefore, it is essential that the library institution itself contributes to the training of readers in which it incorporates aspects that strengthen intellectual and aesthetic capabilities as well as ethical attitudes.Downloads
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