Practical analysis of folksonomies: the case of the reference management software
An analysis of the folksonomies developed in reference management software is performed, as a way to identify their potential use for the information retrieval in low controlled digital environments. There is also a proposal to identify methods and techniques not currently used in those websites, to improve the quality of the folksonomies as information retrieval tools. For that reason, the folksonomies developed at the reference management software CiteULike, Mendeley and Bibsonomy are studied. Their principal characteristics regarding type, form and construction of the tags are detailed. The interfaces used for creation and edition of the tags in each one of the reference management software are also described. The conclusion is that, based on the form and structure used to create them, the folksonomies might be useful for information retrieval at this kind of website, and new methods and techniques are proposed to improve the quality of the folksonomy tags.Downloads
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