Local cultural policy in debate. Public libraries Network of Barcelona, their social value and contradictions
This article aims to analyze the development and management of local cultural policies, with a specific focus on the Public Libraries network in Barcelona. This new look at cultural policies seeks to integrate local culture and mobilize communities, driven by the prioritization of the governance of the cultural system. Within this context, among the initiatives that embrace this new perspective, the role of libraries as privileged spaces for fostering a “common culture”, strengthening social cohesion, and generating value in the social sphere stands out. The challenge for these institutions to adapt to new roles, such as being centers of “culture makers” and promoters of digital consumption, is essential. For the analysis, two main approaches are considered. First, the social value of libraries is examined from the perspective of their management, exploring how this concept is integrated into their day-to-day work and their relevance as community meeting points in Barcelona. Second, it assesses the impact of institutional policies and labor demands on the functioning of these libraries, considering their application in the specific context of these cultural institutions. In order to carry out this analysis, a qualitative perspective is used. As a result, it has been possible to conclude that the public policy of libraries in Barcelona must have an active and real citizen participation to be effective, understanding that cultural democratization implies not only physical access, but also an active commitment of the community. It is observed that the public administration implements a very marked “top down” policy, contrasting with the daily work of library management. Despite efforts to strengthen the social value of these facilities, challenges arise, such as the precariousness of the budget and human resources, which limit the effective development of the policy. Librarians play a vital role as cultural mediators, but the gap between public projection and operational reality highlights the need to address the labor and social challenges faced by libraries in their daily operations. ARK CAICYT: http://id.caicyt.gov.ar/ark:/s18511740/jxoyfjgr3Downloads
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