Physicochemical analysis of packaging materials used to store historical/heritage documents in public cultural institutions of Costa Rica
In order to determine the suitability of packaging materials made of paper/cardboard and used in different public institutions in charge of Costa Rican documentary heritage, the measurement of the acidity (pH) of the materials was carried out, as well as the use of infrared spectroscopy to study the changes in the crystalline structure of paper cellulose molecules, which influence the oxidation and degradation of cellulose as a consequence of aging (Chiriu et al., 2018). Studying the materials used to package and store documents with historical/heritage value is of high importance since these are the ones that remain in direct contact with the cultural assets for years, even decades. In total, the measurement of the physicochemical properties was carried out in four different aging stages (0, 8, 15 and 28 days) in order to compare the results and establish the changes and degradations in the materials, this to determine which of the sampled materials are more suitable for packaging documentary heritage, both in the short and long term, and according to the parameters analyzed. ARK CAICYT:
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